
How to build and install plugins for kdevelop

Partially taken from:
Thank you for the information. The font is a little hard to read though. That said I was beating my head against the wall until I found your post.

Kdevelop is a great IDE for C, C++, PHP, Python as well as many other languages. Kdevelop uses kdetext so it includes all of the syntax highlighting support that kate does.
If you used quanta plus in the past, the new KDE4 version is essentially kdevelop with php support and some additional plugins.

Install kdevelop

Ubuntu / Kubuntu 13.04 Amazon Prime Flash Video Fix

Amazon Prime is one of the best options for legally watching movies on Linux.
After upgrading to Kubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail), Amazon Prime video would no longer play back in Chrome or Firefox.
I tried all the usual fixes: Install hal, libhal, make sure I had the latest flash player, etc. but nothing seemed to work.
As it turns out hal was not working out of the box.

KD3 Fatal error during recording:input/output - Fixed

I recently purchased a Lite-On IHBS112-04 12X Internal Blu-ray Writer from Amazon. After installing the dive I booted into Linux (Kubuntu 12.04 LTS) and tried to burn a blue ray disc using K3b. K3B recognized the drive and the blue ray media no problem so I proceeded to burn some system backups to a new data project as a test. Everything went fine until the very end. After reaching 99% I would get the following error: KD3 Fatal error during recording:input/output So I tried to burn the same project again at a lower speed. Same thing.

Kubuntu 10.10 Slow Wifi Connection

I was recently experiencing very slow wifi connections in Kubuntu 10.10 on my HP Pavilion dm4 with an intel wireless card. I was getting intermittent speeds from 0.3 to 1 Mps. Needless to say this was driving me nuts. After hitting the forums and verifying that this is a documented problem and reading the various solutions I installed
and linux-firmware version 1.38.6
Note: if linux-backports-modules-compat-wireless-2.6.38-generic is available install that instead.

How to Create Debian .deb packages from Tar .tgz files in Linux

Please watch the video for the full tutorial. Basically all you have to do is this.

KDE3 to KDE4 the 3 things I'm still missing

KDE 4 is shaping up nicely and I must admit that the look and feel is great. After using it for a while however there are still several things missing that are keeping me on the fence regarding running KDE 4 vs the KDE 3.5 backports in Kubuntu 10.04.

Kubuntu 10.04 LTS Beta 2 ATI Radeon HD 4200 Fix

The ati fglrx driver is still not working for my Radeon HD 4200.
I am sure I can get it working as I did before using alternative drivers, but preffer to test and report bugs to try to help get the official driver working.

Without any driver the card works great in kubuntu 10.04 with the exception of 3d rendering being slow. All of the composite effect work great.
Unfortunately after I install the driver the desktop will not load even after I un-install the driver.

Kubuntu 10.04 - aka Lucid Beta 1

The first beta of the next Kubuntu Long Term service release is out.
I have been running the development release candidates on one of my entertainment computers for a while now and unfortunately for me the upgrade was not so smooth. Ok, it was a disaster, but only because I was running a bunch of backports and had other non-supported ppa repositories for various hardware reasons.

After a backup and full re-install averything went smooth as silk.

How-To Create Multi-res .ico files in Gimp

Gimp makes it really easy to create multi-res .ico files. In fact, this is one of the few areas where Gimp beats Photoshop hands down.
The trick is to use multiple layers with different sizes.

Here are the basic steps.

Flash now working in Chromium

Chromium on Linux finally has plugin support!

To enable plugins, just start chromium with --enable-pluggins

chromium-browser --enable-plugins

To get the latest version of Chromium, Debian based builds can simply add the proper repository

See for instructions on how to add chromium to add the repository.
