KD3 Fatal error during recording:input/output - Fixed
I recently purchased a Lite-On IHBS112-04 12X Internal Blu-ray Writer from Amazon.
After installing the dive I booted into Linux (Kubuntu 12.04 LTS) and tried to burn a blue ray disc using K3b.
K3B recognized the drive and the blue ray media no problem so I proceeded to burn some system backups to a new data project as a test.
Everything went fine until the very end. After reaching 99% I would get the following error: KD3 Fatal error during recording:input/output
So I tried to burn the same project again at a lower speed. Same thing. After searching on google and the ubuntu forums I came across a thread listing various cd burning libraries and which ones have blueray support. Supposedly wodim does not, but the latest cdrtools does.
The fix:
Grab the latest cdrtools from http://cdrecord.berlios.de/private/cdrecord.html
I used ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/cdrecord/ALPHA/cdrtools-3.01a07.tar.gz
After building (make, sudo make install) open k3b and make sure it is using the new libraries you just built
In k3b click settings > k3b settings > programs
I also updated the system permissions under settings > setup system permissions
While reading the forums some people had better success by checking the create iso and delete iso options so I did that as well and success!
I will update this as soon as I burn another DVD without checking the create iso and delete iso options.
Here are links to the drive and media I purchased.
Both are good deals!